The Comprehensive Guide to  Train an Emotional Support Dog Training

Understanding Emotional Support Dogs (ESA)

Emotional support dogs play a vital role in individuals dealing with emotional and mental challenges, offering comfort and stability without the need for specialized training.

What is an Emotional Support Dog?

An emotional support dog (ESD) is a companion animal that provides therapeutic benefits to individuals with emotional or mental health conditions. Unlike service dogs, trained to perform specific tasks for people with physical or mental disabilities, emotional support dogs offer comfort and support through their presence. They do not require specialized training to perform specific tasks. However, they must be well-behaved and responsive to their owner’s emotional needs.

Differences Between Emotional Support and Psychiatric Service Dogs

It’s crucial to distinguish between emotional support dogs and psychiatric service dogs. Psychiatric service dogs are trained to perform tasks for people with mental health conditions, like reminding them to take medication or interrupting harmful behaviors. They have legal access rights under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), allowing them to accompany their owners in public spaces. Emotional support dogs, on the other hand, do not have the same legal rights for public access. They are primarily meant to provide comfort at home and are not trained for specific tasks related to a disability.

The Role and Training of Emotional Support Service Dog

The practical training and role of emotional support dogs are critical to providing comfort and emotional support to their owners in various settings.

Essential Tasks and Responsibilities of Emotional Support Dogs

Emotional support dogs play a significant role in providing comfort and emotional stability to their owners. Their primary responsibility is to be a calming presence. They might sense emotional distress and offer affection to ease anxiety or depression. While they don’t have specific tasks as service dogs do, their presence can be immensely therapeutic. Training for ESDs focuses on basic obedience and socialization to ensure they behave well in various environments.

Selecting a Dog As An Emotional Support Animal

Choosing the right dog for emotional support is crucial in ensuring a beneficial and lasting bond between the pet and its owner.

Can Any Dog Be an Emotional Support Animal?

Emotional Support Animal

Technically, any dog can be an emotional support animal if it can provide comfort and emotional support to its owner. However, only some dogs are suited for this role. The dog’s temperament, size, and energy level should match the owner’s needs and lifestyle. A calm and affectionate dog is often more suited to being an ESD.

Best Breeds for Emotional Support Dogs

Certain breeds are naturally better suited for an emotional support dog due to their temperament. Breeds like Labrador Retrievers, Golden Retrievers, Poodles, and Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are often recommended. These breeds are known for their gentle nature, intelligence, and ability to form strong emotional bonds with their owners.

Basic Training for Emotional Psychiatric Service Dog

Training an emotional support dog involves instilling basic obedience and behavior skills to ensure they can provide the best possible support to their owners in various environments and situations.

Potty Training Essentials

Potty training is fundamental for any emotional support dog. Here are vital steps to consider:

  1. Consistency: Maintain a regular schedule for feeding and potty breaks.
  2. Crate Training: Using a crate teaches the dog to hold their bladder and bowels.
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Reward the dog for going to the bathroom in the correct place.
  4. Supervision and Routine: Keep an eye on the dog and take them out regularly, especially after meals and naps.
  5. Accident Management: Clean up accidents thoroughly to remove scents and discourage repeat incidents.

Fundamental Commands: Sit, Down, Stay, Come

Basic commands form the cornerstone of any dog’s training, especially for an emotional support dog.

  1. Sit: Essential for maintaining control and calming the dog.
  2. Down: Helps in situations where the dog needs to be relaxed for extended periods.
  3. Stay: Important for maintaining the dog’s position when needed, enhancing the dog’s self-control.
  4. Come: Crucial for ensuring the dog returns to the owner in different situations, especially in public or outdoor settings.

Teaching these commands requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement.

Training for Specific Scenarios like “Leave It”

Training dogs for specific scenarios is essential to ensure they can handle different situations without causing stress to themselves or their owner.

  1. “Leave It” Command: Teaches the dog to ignore or move away from distractions.
  2. Socialization: Exposing the dog to different environments, people, and other animals in a controlled manner.
  3. Noise Desensitization: Gradually exposing the dog to various noises to prevent fear or anxiety.
  4. Handling Distractions: Training the dog to focus and not react negatively to distractions.

Each of these specific training aspects contributes to an emotional support dog’s overall effectiveness and reliability.

Training an emotional support dog involves more than just teaching them basic commands. It’s about creating a reliable, well-behaved companion that can provide emotional stability and support. This training benefits the dog by providing clear guidelines and expectations and enhances the owner’s quality of life by ensuring that their emotional support animal can be depended on in various situations.

Legal Aspects, Certification and Training Requirements for Emotional Support Dogs

Navigating the legal aspects and certification process for emotional support dogs is essential for ensuring that the owner and the dog are recognized and protected under relevant laws.

How to Legally Designate Your Dog as an Emotional Support Animal

You need an ESA letter from a licensed mental health professional to legally designate your dog as an emotional support animal (ESA). This letter must state that you have a mental or emotional disability recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) and that the presence of the animal is necessary for your mental health or treatment. The process typically involves a consultation with a mental health professional who assesses your need for an ESA. It’s important to note that while ESAs are recognized under federal law, they do not have the same rights as service animals regarding public access. They are, however, allowed in housing under the Fair Housing Act, even in buildings that prohibit pets, and they may also travel with their owners on airplanes under the Air Carrier Access Act, though rules can vary by airline.

Understanding these legal aspects and obtaining the proper certification are crucial steps in ensuring that emotional support dogs can fulfill their roles effectively, providing the necessary support for their owners.

Emotional Support Dog Training Resources – How to Make Your Dog ESA


Exploring the various resources available for training and acquiring emotional support dogs can significantly assist in creating a strong and beneficial bond between the dog and its owner.

Online Training Programs for Emotional Support Dogs

There are numerous online training programs specifically tailored for emotional support dogs. These online resources are handy for those who may not have easy access to in-person training facilities or for owners who prefer a more self-directed approach to training:

  1. Certified Emotional Support Dog Training Course from Service Dog Training School International offers a detailed and structured training program. The course covers various aspects such as bonding with your dog, basic obedience training, eliminating destructive behaviors, emotional training, behavior in public settings, and even training for specific tricks. The course includes ten lessons with videos, exams, a certificate upon completion, and continual assessment by tutors. This course is ideal for achieving a well-behaved emotional support dog and comes with a registered Emotional Support Dog ID upon completion​​.
  2. Emotional Support Training for Dogs by US Service Animals focuses on selecting an emotional support dog, training requirements, and specific training techniques. It covers the fundamental obedience skills and good behavior necessary for an emotional support dog. The training includes basic commands like sit, stay, come, and down, as well as toilet training and Deep Pressure Therapy (DPT) for anxiety. This program is designed to cater to different ages and breeds of dogs and emphasizes the importance of a strong bond between the dog and its owner​​.
  3. Dog Academy’s ESA Training Course is another resource that provides extensive training for emotional support dogs. The course includes lessons on laws surrounding ESAs, training techniques, basic commands, and the rights of ESAs. It is structured with six lessons, 13 videos, and exams and requires 6 hours. This course is well-suited for first-time dog owners and experienced handlers, covering everything from the basics to specific emotional support techniques.

Acquiring a Trained Emotional Support Dog

Some services and organizations provide pre-trained emotional support dogs for those who prefer not to train a dog themselves. These dogs have undergone thorough training to ensure they are well-equipped to handle their role. Acquiring a pre-trained dog can be advantageous for individuals who need an ESA immediately or who may not feel confident in their ability to train a dog.

Becoming an Emotional Support Dog Trainer

For individuals interested in training emotional support dogs professionally, there are specialized training programs and certifications available. These programs often cover advanced training techniques and strategies for dealing with emotional and psychological challenges. Becoming a certified trainer can be a fulfilling career path, allowing individuals to impact the lives of both dogs and their owners significantly.

By utilizing the available resources, individuals seeking emotional support dogs can ensure they receive the best training and support, tailoring the experience to their specific needs and circumstances. In the next section, we will delve into the “Emotional and Psychological Benefits of Emotional Support Dogs” to understand the impact of these animals on their owners’ lives.

Emotional and Psychological Benefits of Emotional Support Dogs

Benefits of Emotional Support Dogs

The presence of an emotional support dog (ESD) in one’s life can have profound emotional and psychological benefits. These benefits are not just subjective feelings but are backed by a growing body of research highlighting the positive impact of ESDs on mental health.

How Dogs Provide Emotional Support

The primary way in which emotional support dogs aid individuals is through their consistent, unconditional love and companionship. This bond between a human and their dog can significantly reduce feelings of loneliness and isolation. Dogs can sense and respond to their owner’s emotional states, offering comfort during stress or anxiety. Petting a dog has been shown to release endorphins and reduce stress hormones, leading to a calming effect.

Specialized Techniques for Anxiety and Comfort

Dogs can be trained in specialized techniques to help mitigate anxiety symptoms and provide comfort. An example is deep pressure therapy (DPT), where a dog applies gentle pressure to its owner’s body. This technique is known to stimulate the release of serotonin and dopamine, neurotransmitters that play a role in feeling calm and relaxed. Additionally, dogs can be trained to recognize the onset of an anxiety attack and respond in ways that help distract or soothe their owner.

Recognizing and Responding to Signs of Anxiety

ESDs are often adept at recognizing signs of anxiety or emotional distress in their owners. They might respond by nudging, licking, or simply positioning themselves to be physically close. This responsiveness provides immediate comfort and helps the individual become more aware of their emotional state, which is a crucial step in managing mental health conditions.

Should You Get Your Dog ESA Certified?

While certification is not a requirement for a dog to be considered an emotional support animal, it can be beneficial in certain situations. Certification can make it easier when traveling or seeking accommodations, as it formally acknowledges the dog’s role in your mental health management. However, the decision to certify should be based on individual circumstances and needs.

In conclusion, emotional support dogs offer significant emotional and psychological benefits. They are more than just pets; they are companions that provide a unique form of support and comfort. Their ability to detect and respond to emotional cues makes them invaluable in managing mental health conditions. Whether through specialized training or their natural disposition, ESDs are crucial in improving the quality of life for many individuals with emotional and mental challenges.

ESA Certified

Conclusion: The Impact of Emotional Support Dogs

Emotional support dogs extend beyond being mere pets; they are invaluable companions offering profound emotional and psychological support. Their presence can significantly enhance the quality of life for individuals coping with mental health challenges. These animals provide stability, routine, and unconditional love, which are crucial for emotional well-being. Training and caring for an emotional support dog also offer therapeutic benefits, fostering a sense of responsibility and achievement. While they are a vital part of a broader mental health treatment plan, it’s essential to recognize their role as complementary to other therapies. In essence, emotional support dogs are not just animals; they are dedicated partners in the journey towards emotional resilience, offering a unique and heartwarming form of support that deeply enriches lives.

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